It's Back-To-School Season! Tips & Tricks To Best Prepare!

September is in, summer is slowly coming to an end, and that can only mean one thing, it’s back-to-school season! After 3 long and great months of sun, fun and adventure, school is coming back in session! And this is the perfect opportunity to readjust routines and expectations for your kids to ensure smooth sailing. This blog is here to help parents with the daunting feelings of back-to-school season. by providing handy tips and tricks to streamline that Monday morning drop-off, and for Tuesday, and Wednesday….

Back-To-School Routine

Change is scary for everyone, let alone for kids, and one way to combat that uneasy feeling is by reestablishing a routine. As all parents know, getting into a routine eliminates worry and most external possibilities. From having a scheduled feeding time, wash time, and bedtime, having a set wake-up time is also just as vital. We want no room for surprises that early!

And with Bear’s Alphabites, breakfast is one less thing to worry about! This cereal is made using natural ingredients, using wholegrain fibre with no artificial colours, or added salts! Aiming to provide a stable meal first thing in the morning! Alphabites are also made sweet with natural coconut blossomed nectar, giving your kiddies a natural source of calcium and potassium. AKA, the perfect recipe to end all breakfast time battles!

Kids in class, with their hands up

Lunchbox Snacks

Just like sleep, when a child is hungry, they get distracted. So a hungry child is a distracted child, and that takes away from their valuable learning time at school. Therefore, preparing a nutritiously well-rounded packed lunch and snack box for school is a task that needs to be handled with the utmost consideration!

This month is Back-To-School season over at What’s Instore, so we have created the perfect offers for your kids’ lunchboxes! With offers on Bear, Organix, Kiddylicious, and Ella’s Kitchen there are snacks that your child will certainly love! Some of our favourites include the Bear Fruit Rolls (made from 100% pure fruit!), the Organix Soft Oaty Bars (made with organic, wholegrain oats) and the Kiddylicious Fruit Bakes (made with real fruit and no added sugar!), just to name a few! These are the perfect lunchbox filler for school time to ensure a well-balanced and healthy diet!

Just a reminder! Snack time at whatever time of day should never be close to mealtime! Having a snack two hours before a meal is ample time for your child to still enjoy lunch or dinner. Like mealtime, having a set snack schedule is ideal for your little ones. This helps to give them a sense of control and comfort. Another great task for your child is to give them a choice between some snack options. This gives them a sense of power, by giving them the freedom and power of choice!

After School Routine

The first week of school will come and go in the blink of an eye, and a whirlwind behind it. This drastic change in your child’s routine so drastically can cause them to get extra tired, and a tired child is a distracted child! So, a little pre-emptive measure would be to get that after school and bedtime on lock. Sleep time is one of the most important parts of the day, so starting an easy and relaxed wind down routine is our secret to success.

Bath time can prove to be a tricky situation at the best of times, so our approach creates fun and calming environments. To set the scene, we recommend using Childs Farm Bubble Bath (in so many scents! Or even scent-free!) to transform getting into the tub a fun and exciting part of their day! If you want to maximise this time, you can also use Childs Farm SlumberTime Bath Soak.

Once in the tub, it’s time to get serious, and complete wash without any fuss or trouble. And Childs Farm Hair & Body Washes are perfect to scrub your little clean in one go, especially following any back-to-school and after school activities!

Kids in a bubble bath

Bedtime Routine

Once they’re squeaky clean, the final stage of bedtime can commence. This is the time to create the ideal ambient for sleep, lights go on dim, or the bedside lamp goes on, jammies are on, and you’re using the rest of Childs Farm SlumberTime range for optimal sleep! Surrounding your child in the calming scent of lavender is first done by using the SlumberTime Massage Lotion. And then, for the final part of the sleep time routine, spray your child’s pillow and bedding with the Bedtime Pillow Spray just before reading your chosen bedtime story. This creates a safe and cosy environment to ensure optimal sleep, essential for back-to-school!

As stressful as it can be, school time is a vital part of your child’s socialisation process. And again, while it may be scary, these moments build strong and confident kids, that will be ready to take on the world when they’re older! So trying to get your back-to-school routine perfected in the shortest amount of time is our recipe for a great start to term!